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Our Mission, Vision, & Values


Global leadership in interdisciplinary research, innovation, & education, focused on benefiting society through novel carbon to metal coatings at the nano, micro and macro scale.



Respect & EDII

We will embed EDII principles in all Institute activities to enrich our research activities, champion diversity and create opportunities for equity-deserving groups.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

We seek to facilitate collaboration across the complementary disciplines of chemistry, physics, engineering, biomedicine, and health science to enhance research and training outcomes in STEM fields related to our research thrusts.

Research & Training Excellence

We aspire to excellence in research and training. We will accomplish this through global interdisciplinary collaborations that address knowledge gaps in areas relevant to our research directions. Our research and training efforts will benefit society through research outcomes and through the outstanding trainees who graduate from our program.


We will focus on advancing fundamental knowledge and creating direct innovations in STEM fields with benefit to society. To accomplish this, we work collaboratively with local, national, and global partners to develop materials and manufacturing processes that improve the longevity of metal-based infrastructure, that decrease the environmental impact of processes involving metals at the macro and micro scale, and that improve human health through innovations in nanomedicine. Through these outcomes, we will secure Canada's place as a leader in coating innovations related to corrosion, semiconductor manufacturing and nanomedicine.


Strategic Goals & Indicators of Success 

Demonstrated impact at solving mission-critical problem(s) through carbon to metal coating strategies

  • Peer-reviewed publications and patents documenting research advances related to NHC-to-metal science and engineering.

  • Increased interactions/partnerships with end users and adoption of technology by end users in translational/commercial applications.

  • Clinical application of materials in precision radiation therapies.

  • Research output addressing United Nations sustainable development goals. 

Build a global interdisciplinary research community

  • Number, breadth and depth of collaborations as assessed by peer-reviewed publications and patents with multi-institutional or international authorship 

  • Global impact evidenced via institute membership and research activity 

  • Evidence of collaborative projects resulting from institute activity, quantified by joint publications ,and successful funding applications 

  • Attraction of top international researchers to Queen's for participation in seminars or institute events 

  • Generation of standard operating procedures and research protocols that are transferable between Institute partners 

Research excellence

  • High impact publications, patents and presentations 

  • Commercial involvement through co-authorship on publications/patents, licensing, hiring of Institute HQP

  • Spin-off industrial or clinical projects 

  • Company buy-in through joint research grants such as NSERC Alliance, Mitacs and/or direct funding 

  • National & international recognition evidenced by awards to Institute members and their teams  

Excellence in interdisciplinary STEM education & training

  • Student success through participation in multidisciplinary projects 

  • Number of Institute graduates who have transitioned into relevant jobs and/or been hired by industrial partners 

  • Number of internships and exchange opportunities taken up by HQP 

  • HQP involvement in research by authorship of publications/patents and presentations and HQP awards 

  • Metrics for participation of equity-deserving HQP in all success metrics described above 

Improved EDII outcomes for STEM fields

  • Improved EDII metrics for PI and HQP participation in the Institute relative to field norms

  • EDII metrics for Institute partners 

  • Institute-sponsored or supported EDII-focused events 

  • EDII-based awards to Institute team members 

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